From our latest research publications to insightful, thought-provoking blogs, keep informed and engaged with the latest updates from UBDC.

European Space Agency funding UBDC and SatVu to develop Heat Loss Index

Mapping With Communities workshop at AGILE 2024
HeiGIT and UBDC ran a successful international workshop, 'Mapping with Communities' at the AGILE 2024 conference.

Brainstorming Data Dive promotes innovative social research
Researchers gathered in Glasgow for an innovative Data Dive, organised by the Urban Big Data Centre in collaboration with ESRC Smart Data Research UK. The aim of the event was to provide researchers with first-hand experience using smart data curated by UBDC and brainstorm new approaches and analyses.

MSc students in Urban Analytics and Urban Transport visit Aalto University
Six UBDC students on our MSc in Urban Analytics and Urban Transport programmes have recently returned from a rewarding study visit to Aalto University near Helsinki, Finland. The visit provided an opportunity for the Glasgow University students to develop their networks and exchange ideas.

AGILE conference 2024
Researchers, developers, lecturers, students, and practitioners of Geo-Information Science and Technology are gathering in Glasgow for the AGILE 2024 conference.

The Glasgow CCTV Object Detection project
The Glasgow CCTV Object Detection platform aims to improve public understanding of mobility and traffic patterns across Glasgow.

DataCivil’s lead discusses Disaster Risk Reduction
DataCivil’s principal investigator, Philipp Ulbrich participated in a panel discussion for the launch of the Municipal Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro state.

Urban Big Data Centre celebrates its 10th anniversary
The Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) celebrated its 10th anniversary on 29 January 2024. Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and the University of Glasgow, UBDC is a dynamic research hub and national data service, championing the use of smart data to inform policymaking and enhance the quality of urban life.

Introducing the Adzuna teaching dataset
UBDC are excited to announce the launch of ‘Adzuna Teaching’, a small and random subset of our main Adzuna dataset. Adzuna Teaching makes Adzuna accessible to a wider audience, specifically students undertaking research projects and lecturers interested in employment or Smart Data. It will also be of interest to researchers thinking of applying for the full Adzuna dataset. Adzuna Teaching preserves the structure, and contains all variables, of our main Adzuna dataset. It therefore includes detailed information on salary, occupation, sector, seniority, skills, location, and job descriptions. See our Adzuna metadata for all variables included. The dataset represents a random 20,000 subsample of all (deduplicated) UK adverts posted on in the month of September 2021.

Sensor-enhanced housing survey for urban heat investigation
The collaboration between UBDC Urban Sensing & Analytics team and The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) originated from a small pilot study carried out by UBDC in the winter of 2021, supported by ESRC.
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