Meet the team
Nick Bailey
Nick Bailey has been Director of the Centre since August 2018, having formerly served as Associate Director since the Centre’s inception in 2014. He is a Professor in Urban Studies, based in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow. Alongside his role in the Urban Big Data Centre, he is also Associate Director of the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research, part of Administrative Data Research UK.
He was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS) in 2020.
Nick is interested in how neighbourhoods shape our lives and how divisions between richer and poorer areas within the city are created and maintained. He is also interested in broader issues of poverty and social exclusion.
Nick seeks to combine academic research with work which informs public policy and public debates. A key interest in recent years has been in whether local public services are equally available to all, and in who is losing out as local government funding is dramatically reduced. He sees the Urban Big Data Centre as a unique opportunity to understand how different services affect our lives. Given the pressures to reduce public expenditure, he sees great potential in using Big Data to identify effective forms of preventative spend – how an investment in one service now can save money in the longer term.
Publication links
- Director, Urban Big Data Centre
- Professor, Urban Studies
- Associate, Institute of Health and Wellbeing
Publication links
- Director, Urban Big Data Centre
- Professor, Urban Studies
- Associate, Institute of Health and Wellbeing
Contact Details
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Variations in domestic energy efficiency by property, neighbourhood and local authority type: where are the largest challenges for the netzero transition in the UK's residential stock?

Enhancing our understanding of short-term rental activity: a daily scrape-based approach for Airbnb listings.

The challenges of measuring the short-term rental market: an analysis of open data on Airbnb activity.

Estimating Greenspace Visitation Using Digital Footprints Data: A Collaboration with Glasgow City Council to Aid in Open Space Policy and Operations [poster]

Hosting major events: Understanding the impacts of short-term rentals in Glasgow during COP26.

Towards Just Neighbourhoods: Leveraging Geospatial Data Science to Understand Night-Time Public Transport Variability in British Cities.

Housing and welfare reform, and the suburbanization of poverty in UK cities 2011-20.

Assessing the socio-demographic representativeness of mobile phone application data.

Occupational differences in COVID-19 hospital admission and mortality between women and men in Scotland: A population-based study using linked administrative data.

The impacts of benefit sanctions: a scoping review of the quantitative research evidence.

Understanding the Socio-demographic Representation of Tamoco Mobile Phone App Data in Glasgow City Region.

Adaptive deprivation scales in a multi-national context: the European child deprivation indicators.

Linkage of national health and social care data: a cross-sectional study of multimorbidity and social care use in people aged over 65 years in Scotland.

Exploiting new forms of data to study the private rented sector: strengths and limitations of a database of rental listings.

Understanding the Use of Greenspace Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Using Mobile Phone App Data.

Citizen mobility and the growth of infections during the COVID-19 pandemic with the effects of government restrictions in Western Europe.

Analysis Protocol: Constructions of Mental Health and Problematic Alcohol Use Within UK’s Health and Welfare Policy.

Policy recommendations, pages 1-3. In Wright S (ed.) Mental Health, Welfare Conditionality and Employment support: Policy Recommendations and Key Findings. Report.

Data resource profile: the Scottish Social Care Survey (SCS) and the Scottish Care Home Census (SCHC)

The welfare consequences of the suburbanisation of poverty in UK cities: air pollution and school quality.

Labour Market and Wider Impacts of Benefit Sanctions: A Scoping Review [Review Protocol]

The suburbanisation of poverty in British cities, 2004-16: extent, processes and nature.

Neighbourhood Effects and Occupational Mobility in Scotland: Limits to the ‘Tenure-split’ Approach.

Validation of the Scottish Social Care Survey using data from Renfrewshire Council.

Multimorbidity and access to social care: exploiting emerging administrative data sources in Scotland.

Using Longitudinal Administrative Data on Benefits and Earnings Histories to Identify Social Disadvantage.

Pro-Poor or Pro-Rich? The Social Impact of Local Government Budgets, 2016-17 to 2018-19. SPICe Briefing 18-82.

Re-making urban segregation: processes of income sorting and neighbourhood change.

Using Longitudinal Administrative Data on Employment History to Identify Poverty Risks and Social Need.

The Influence of Recent Employment History on Poverty Risks: A Study Using Linked Administrative and Survey Data.

Austerity urbanism in England: the 'regressive redistribution' of local government services and the impact on the poor and marginalised.

Using Longitudinal Administrative Data on Employment History to Identify Poverty Risks and Social Need.

Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK, Volume 2: The Dimensions of Disadvantage.

More similarities than differences: poverty and social exclusion in rural and urban locations.

The place of neighbourhood in entrepreneurship: attitudes, resources and sorting.

How neighbourhood social mix shapes access to resources from social networks and from services.

Coping with the cuts? The management of the worst financial settlement in living memory.

The Cost of the Cuts: the Impact on Local Government and Poorer Communities. Summary Report.

'Managing' the middle classes: urban managers, public services and the response to middle-class capture.

Attitudes to the 'necessities of life': would an independent Scotland set a different poverty standard to the rest of the UK?

'All in it together'? Social cohesion in a dividing society: attitudes to income inequality and redistribution in a residential context.

Understanding neighbourhood dynamics: new insights for neighbourhood effects research.

Understanding neighbourhood population dynamics for neighbourhood effects research: A review of recent evidence and data source developments.

Understanding Neighbourhood Dynamics: New Insights for Neighbourhood Effects Research.

Living apart, losing sympathy? How neighbourhood context affects attitudes to redistribution and to welfare recipients.

"It's the end of local government as we know it": austerity and the remaking of local government in the UK.

How neighbourhood context shapes poverty: some results from the Poverty and Social Exclusion UK Survey 2012.

Delivering mixed communities: the relationship between housing tenure mix and social mix in England's neighbourhoods.

Attitudes to the 'necessities of life' in Scotland: can a UK poverty standard be applied in Scotland?

'All in it together'? Social cohesion in a dividing society: attitudes to income inequality and redistribution in a residential context.

Investigating the Impact of the Spatial Distribution of Deprivation on Health Outcomes.

Place attachment in deprived neighbourhoods: The impacts of population turnover and social mix.

Living apart, losing sympathy? How attitudes to redistribution and to welfare recipients depend on where you live.

Environmental justice in the city? Challenges for policy and resource allocation in keeping the streets clean.

Does neighbourhood context impact on attitudes to inequality and redistribution? Questions of scale and patterning.

The patterning of deprivation and its effects on health outcomes in three post industrial cities in Britain.

The Impacts of Neighbourhood Context on Attitudes to Poverty and Inequality: Constructing the Neighbourhood Database.

All in this together? Serving deprived communities in a period of fiscal retrenchment.

Spatial segregation and population dynamics:a review of recent evidence and data source developments.

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