Meet the team
Heather Sinclair
Heather Sinclair is the Information Services Officer for Urban Big Data Centre. She provides information management services to enhance data collections and support data programmes. She assists the Centre’s research and scientific computing staff as well as staff from other organisations making use of the UBDC data service.
Heather graduated from Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen in 2004 with a Postgraduate Diploma in Information and Library Studies. She worked for the NHS as a Senior Analyst where she provided user support services to staff and applied information management skills to enhance and maintain the quality of information and records management within the organisation.
During her employment in the NHS, Heather created a Professional Portfolio which was successfully accepted by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and she is now a Chartered member (MCLIP).
Heather uses her membership of CILIP to keep up to date with current knowledge. She attends professional events to network with other professionals and discover new developments, technologies and ways of working.
She also worked as a Software Tester, participating in agile meetings and completing exploratory testing within an agile environment.
She will be happy to assist with any enquiries about the UBDC data collections.
Information Services Officer
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