Tools for Future-Proof Transport Planning: Open Source, Open Access, Reproducible and Collaborative


Thursday 10 October


15:00 - 16:30 BST


Rm305, 7 Lilybank Gardens / Online (Zoom)

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In this hybrid UBDC webinar, Professor Robin Lovelace examines tools for Future-Proof Transport Planning.


Transport planning has always been a complex and multi-disciplinary enterprise requiring wide-ranging skills and methods. Proliferating data sources, tools and policy demands — including fast and fair decarbonisation and the need to make active travel the natural choice for everyday trips in cities worldwide — has increased the demands on transport planners and researchers in the field. With burgeoning pressures and options, how to decide what to do?

This talk will make the case that reproducible research and open tools are essential ingredients for effective transport planning in the 21st century. It will map out the landscape of open tools for transport planning, distinguish between open source and open access models, and demonstrate how reproducibility is the key not just for research but also for future-proof, socially sustainable and high impact transport planning practice. I will draw on my experience developing, deploying and collaborating on tools such as the Propensity to Cycle Tool for England and Wales (publicly available at, the Network Planning Tool for Scotland (publicly available at and the Biclar tool for Portugal (publicly available at Each is used to inform strategic transport planning decisions, raising questions around the use of new technologies and collaborations with practitioner and advocacy communities to maximise the long term positive impacts of transport research. The talk will not answer all of these questions but it will surely generate debate and hopefully provide insight into how the field could develop as the data revolution accelerates.


Robin Lovelace is Professor of Transport Data Science at the Leeds Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) and Head of Data Science at the UK government agency Active Travel England. Robin specializes in data science and geocomputation, with a focus on developing geographic methods applied to modeling transport systems, active travel, and decarbonisation. Robin has experience not only researching but deploying transport models in inform sustainable policies and more effective use of transport investment, including as Lead Developer of the Propensity to Cycle Tool (see, the basis of strategic cycle network plans nationwide. Robin has led numerous data science projects for organizations ranging from the Department for Transport and Transport Infrastructure Ireland to the World Bank.

This hybrid event can be attended in-person or online via Zoom.


Training Resources

We archive useful and informative resources, such as slides, videos and other materials, from past events here for you to explore.

UBDC How to Guides - YOLOv4 Object Detection Model

In this guide, Data Analyst Maralbek Zeinullin shows you how to install and run customised YOLOv4 Object Detection Model using GPU.

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UBDC How to Guides - Multimodal Transport Routing for the UK with R

In this two-part guide, Rafael Verduzco from the Urban Big Data Centre shows you how to analyse transport routing in the UK using travel-time matrices.

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UBDC How to Guides - Building a Time Series Chart

In this step-by-step guide, Andy Clarke from the Urban Big Data Centre shows you how to build a time series chart using React, D3 and Material UI.

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Short Term Lets - Big Data and Policy

A new licensing scheme for short-term lets came into effect in Scotland on 1 October 2022. Through the scheme, the Scottish Government aims to 'ensure consistent safety standards while reinforcing the positive reputation of Scottish tourism and hospitality'.

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Public transport accessibility in Great Britain: An open dataset

Understanding how access to amenities by public transport varies across space is important in a wide variety of urban research, e.g., unemployment risks, property and land valuation, or gentrification issues.

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UBDC Employment Data User Group webinar: Adzuna Jobs Listings data

This event, led by Heather Sinclair (UBDC Information Services Officer), focussed on Adzuna job listings data and is relevant for current and prospective users of the Adzuna dataset.

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Triangulating Novel Mixed-Method Educational Data to Develop Effective, Evidence-Based Policy

UBDC has employed a spectrum of complementary quantitative and qualitative methods to address educational inequalities to inform the development of more effective policy solutions to the educational attainment gaps at all stages of life-long education.

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Practical approaches for web scraping for research

The web offers deep insights into people’s beliefs, opinions, transactions, movements and many other aspects of their lives. For social science academics and data scientists, the UK’s legal environment provides opportunities to capture these data at scale in service of research goals.

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